
The Counseling branch of the other housing services Department offers a variety of classes that guide Tribal members through situations in hopes of creating a stable and secure home. Through counseling, Housing services,believes and reinforces the fact that individuals can triumph over the trials of life. These services also provide resources for any attendants.

The Counseling Program consists of the following:


Home Ownership Classes - The home ownership classes teach individuals how to properly maintain their homes. Landscaping, kitchen maintenance, plumbing, and patching-up workshops instruct families in ways to protect their homes. Classes will also cover ownership policies and leasing laws so Tribal members will fully understand their rights and allowances. Applying for the Housing Authoity's Lease Purchase Program requires attendance to a Homeowner's Class.

  • Budgeting and Personal Finance
  • Fire Safety
  • Home and Preventative Maintenance
  • Homeownership and Policies


The Self-Sufficiency divison of the Housing Services Department promotes self-sufficiency. The classes center on an individual's ailities to improve their lives and better themselves. By creating confident and reputable individuals, Tribal members can thrive in their fields of work or interest.

The Self-Sufficiency Program consists of the following:

  1. Computer Classes - In a joint effort with TERO (Tribal Employment Rights Office), Resident Services offers a wide range of computer classes and training. Classes cover software programs from Microsoft Windows and Office applications. 
  2. Career Workshops - In a joint effort with WIA (Workforce Investment Act), the Career Workshops focus on abilities required to find employment. Job researching helps prospects locate available positions while resume building, interviwing with confidence, and dressing for success assist in acquiring new employment. The workshops also directs the unemployed to workforce sources and/or job agencies.

Health & Safety

The Health & Safety component of the Resident Services Department recognizes individual knowledge and understanding as a primary factory for maintaining healthy and secure living. By showing Tribal members the facts and risk factors involved with common threats, the program attempts preventative intervention to keep people away not just from danger, but situations where trouble can arise. The information is offered through our special events as posted on our calender.

The Health & Safety Program consists of the following:

  1. Crime Prevention Awareness - Crime Prevention Awareness instructs individuals how to lower their chances of becoming victims of crime. Sessions discuss statistics, tactics, and strategies for remaining safe along with identifying risk-factors and dangerous situations. Classes also cover crime reporting, emergency responding, and emergency planning.
  2. Healthy Eating - Healthy Eating shows individuals how to plan wholesome and nutritious meals. The classes teach nutrition basics like understanding the food pyramid and label reading. The program hopes to spread knowldge and improve the overall health of Tribal families.
  3. Fitness Awareness - Fitness Awareness classes remind the participants of the benefits of exercise and fitness. This forum discusses simple ways to add a little activity in members' lives as well as other methods of remaining fit and healthy through simple lifestyle choices, like abstinence from smoking, moderate drinking, and exercising more.
  4. Storm Safety - Storm Safety classes demonstrate step by step methods for protecting oneself and others during a storm. Oklahoma storms wreck havoc every year and threaten thousands of unprepared families. In these classes, participants learn how to properly prepare and react to snow storms and tornados.
  5. Youth Recreations - Youth Recreation activities serve to distract and relieve individuals from the pressures of young life. Organized physical activities become positive outlets for youth energy while promoting a sense of togetherness and adding a touch of fun.

Cultural Activities

The Cultural Activities section of the Resident Services Department works with tribal members by reconnecting those members with their acestral roots.

The Cultural Activities Program consists of the following:

  1. Seminole Language Classes - Seminole Language Classes are introductory courses to the Nation's native tongue. Participants learn basic dialogue and idioms to revive a sense of pride and thus, extend the language through word of mouth.
  2. Passing the Nation to the Youth - The ultimate goal of this series of meetings is to preserve the Seminole history by incorporating that history with the Tribe's youth. Attending youth learn the history and hear stories of the Seminole Nation from the mouths of those who lived it. Bringing the elderly and younger generations together ensures to pass Seminole heritage on to the future.